Transformative communication

For her research with Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC), Alejandra Ramos-Galvez uses innovative approaches to study perceptions conveyed through visual narratives on transformation towards inclusive, resilient and sustainable urban development

The event “Partnerships for urban and socially responsible climate action from global and local perspectives” was held on 25 October at the Mexican Senate, highlighting the urgency of building cities that are resilient to climate change.

In a world full of inspiring iniatives to help cities become more sustainable, inclusive and low-carbon, a global call to capture these endeavours through the lens of a camera resulted in a total of amazing 534 photographs and descriptions from 51

At COP28 in Dubai, the Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) project will have a photo exhibition that stands as a testament to the power of transformative communication in building capacities for sustainable and socially inclusive climate action.

Many of us live in cities. They serve as our homes and offer opportunities for collective work and learning while being breeding grounds for creativity, inspiration and hope.

On 16 May 2023, around 90 participants attended a webinar on transformative communication to activate citizens, strengthen capacities and inspire climate action.

To encourage and ignite cities to change into greener and more climate-friendly and socially just areas, captivating narratives can help visualize and support the transformation of urban futures.

Languages are a bridge to other people and cultures and a means to express beliefs and knowledge.