Climate action

Located just Northwest of Mexico City, Naucalpan de Juárez, State of Mexico, is a city of 834,434 residents - and one of 60 municipalities that make up the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico.

Lying in the valleys of central Mexico, León - with its 2.1 million residents -  has experienced significant population growth in the last decade.

Representatives of the coalitions of León and Naucalpan in Mexico and Teresina and Recife in Brazil presented the progress attained by the Urban Labs at the end of last August.

Many of us live in cities. They serve as our homes and offer opportunities for collective work and learning while being breeding grounds for creativity, inspiration and hope.

On 16 May 2023, around 90 participants attended a webinar on transformative communication to activate citizens, strengthen capacities and inspire climate action.

To encourage and ignite cities to change into greener and more climate-friendly and socially just areas, captivating narratives can help visualize and support the transformation of urban futures.

Languages are a bridge to other people and cultures and a means to express beliefs and knowledge.